Kidney Function

Kidney blood tests

  • Same-day blood test appointments available
  • Assess your health risks & make preventative changes
  • Fast efficient & easy-to-use service
Pricing £75
Type of sample taken Blood
Turnaround time 4-12 hours
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Based on 164 reviews
When your kidney is under strain, kidney enzymes are elevated. Our blood test tests your kidney function and enzyme levels & gives an accurate & fast result. Visit one of our London clinics today.

Your kidneys play a vital part in your overall health, removing waste from the body & filtering the blood. In addition to reabsorbing water, glucose, & amino acids, the kidneys also produce hormones that control blood pressure, red blood cell production, & bone health.

Our kidney health test can tell you whether or not your kidneys are functioning optimally. The test evaluates your levels of creatinine, urea, & potassium, allowing a doctor to evaluate the presence of any kidney diseases, stones, infections, or cancers.

The most common conditions affecting the kidneys include renal cysts, chronic kidney disease, nephritic syndromes, urinary tract obstruction or infection, & kidney stones.

When should I get tested?

You can have this test at any time, although it may specifically be recommended to you by a doctor if you are noticing symptoms related to some of the many vital bodily functions that the kidneys regulate, including hydration, electrolyte levels, the balance of water in the body, blood pressure, bone health, & blood toxicity.

What does the test include

The kidney function test is a blood test.

What to Expect

Step 1

Preparing for test

Please arrive for your appointment well-hydrated.
Step 2

During the test

This is a simple blood test; a doctor or nurse will draw a small amount of blood from a vein in your inner arm, usually near the elbow.
Step 3


If your booking was just for a blood test, your results will be emailed as soon they are available. If you had a consultation with one of our doctors, they will call you directly to go over your results. Please note that the test price does not include interpretation of the results; if you are not intending to take the results to your own doctor for evaluation, it is best if you have your consultation with us before the test.