Winter Survival Guide – Wash Your Hands

You would be surprised that as many as 80% of the infectious diseases are transmitted by touch. Being infected by a nasty cold germ can be easier than you think. Every day we touch a number of objects – door knobs, taps, telephones and so on. Each of them can be covered in germs and getting an infection is easy if you aren’t germ-aware.

Touching your nose, mouth or eyes with unwashed hands gets germs directly where they want to be – into your body, where they can develop infection. So one of the easiest ways to protect yourself from getting a cold is washing your hands frequently and using anti-bacterial gel.

To clean your hands properly

–          You will need lots of soap and water

–          The temperature is not important

–          Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds

If your body is fighting a cold do not hesitate to see a doctor. We can provide you a same day appointment in one of our centrally located London clinics.

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